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Worldwide listing of support centres for sexual abuse and domestic violence.
Translation to all languages available.
Search helplines worldwide by location and topic.
Most helpline phone numbers are toll-free and many helplines are available over text message or online chat.
Hidden Water is a restorative justice response to the impact of child sexual abuse.
They support and uphold the dignity of all who have been impacted by sexual abuse of young people.
United Kingdom
Charity works to end child sexual abuse, rape, sexual assault, sexual harassment and all other forms of sexual violence.
You can find support for LGBTQIA+ community members here.
With 120 member organisations based in the UK & Ireland, they provide specialist support for women, men and children who have survived rape, sexual violence or childhood sexual abuse.
Support to anyone impacted by sexual abuse from age 8 and upwards.
Free therapeutic services for children. Paid therapeutic services for adults.