The Power Within
When we say, “what happened to me made me stronger,” we inadvertently credit our attackers with giving us strength.
This is not true.
No one should ever have to experience violence to discover their strength.
Yes, we can grow and learn from traumatic experiences, but this growth doesn't come from the trauma itself — it comes from the resilience and courage we already possess.
The Healing Power of Self-Image
What you hear and think about creates an image of who you are.
If you grew up with an abusive family member or spent years in an abusive relationship, your self-image has likely been shaped by their hurtful words.
The damage isn’t just physical - it’s emotional and psychological, weaving a complex tapestry of trauma.
Violence can distort self-perception, instilling feelings of shame, guilt, and unworthiness.
But you have the power to change those images.
Yes, it takes time and effort, but it is absolutely possible.
“Just Get Over it”!
Have you ever felt the pressure to just “get over it”? That dismissive eye roll or deep sigh that belittles your trauma?
This impatience and anger towards the lasting effects of trauma are all too common.
Despite the spotlight on GBV, much of it remains superficial — mere snapshots or sound bites on social media.
We’re expected to navigate our healing journey alone, following a presumed linear path: suffer violence, feel sad, tell the world, and be healed.
This is not our reality!
Rediscover Your Wholeness
Healing is not just about moving on; it’s an essential journey of rediscovery.
It invites you to explore the depths of your being, sparking curiosity and urging you to reconnect with your true self.
Imagine feeling more alive, real, and engaged in the world around you.
When you reclaim this connection, your past loses its grip on your present.
Can you picture feeling empowered, even when old wounds resurface?
With the right tools, you can ground yourself and navigate those emotions with resilience.